These days, I've been thinking about distributed monolith systems disguised as microservices (the "silver bullet" solution from nowadays).
- Socrates
These days, I've been thinking about distributed monolith systems disguised as microservices (the "silver bullet" solution from nowadays).
Redis is a great columnar database, but what if you want to run it on a cluster with HA and fault-tolerancy ?
A few days ago I had to upgrade a Neo4j environment from v2.2.3 to v3.1.1, and as I haven't found any solid material on the internet about version migration, I tought it would be useful to publish this short tutorial in order to help others who might find some trouble while upgrading the datastore.
Basically, in simple words, a microservice is a small component that provides specific context features, communicate using standard protocols, and when combined with other microservices it forms one or more applications.
Github( is a great social coding platform, based on git-scm, with a clean and fluid interface and a lot of useful features for those who need a cloud based source versioning.